› added 9 years ago


TIL In Ireland, any jokes regarding the potato famine of the 19th Century, should be avoided. Joking about this topic could in many instances cause a similar amount of offense (for example) as joking about the September 11, 2001 attacks would in the United States.

ZL9G TIL Richard Nixon ended the draft, founded the EPA and OSHA, signed Title IX, was a proponent of the 26th Amendment, dedicated $100 million to the War on Cancer project, and became the first American President to give Native Americans the right to tribal self-determination.
8aEoV TIL of Ferdinand Waldo Demara. A professional imposter who posed as a surgeon aboard a Canadian Navy vessel. When needed, he quickly studied a textbook in his room, operated, and saved sixteen people. After being exposed he was acquitted of any charge and sent back to the U.S.
p8e7e TIL following a performance on The Mike Douglas Show, Gene Simmons of Kiss declared himself "evil incarnate", to which comedian Totie Fields commented, "Wouldn't it be funny if he's just a nice Jewish boy underneath the makeup?"
XJgE TIL Between 1960 and 2010, the world population rose from 3 billion to 6.8 billion. In other words, there has been more growth in population in the last fifty years than the previous 2 million years that humans have existed.
WkmWd TIL White-tailed Eagles kept flying into moving turbine blades at the Smøla wind farm in Norway. An experiment of painting a single blade black on each of two turbines compared to two unpainted turbines found that the bird deaths declined by 70%.