› added 9 years ago


TIL the Catholic Church officially recognises that a photo of Mother Teresa cured a woman of cancer…a claim disputed by her doctor because the woman had been taking medicine and it wasn’t even cancer

JkZv TIL a clinical trial in 2016 held at Stanford University School of Medicine found that injecting modified human stem cells directly into the brains of chronic stroke patients can re-enable patients to walk.
mQgO TIL that Kelsey Grammer expected to play Sideshow Bob only once on ‘The Simpsons’. Although the actor does not like performing the character’s evil laugh, Grammer says that Bob is the most popular character he has ever played, even more than Frasier Crane.
xVbWB TIL a Texas professor failed his entire class and quit, because he thought that all of his students were disruptive or dishonest and therefore didn’t deserve to pass the course. He said the class was his worst in his 20 years of teaching.
wnbE TIL that a woman attempted to sue Disneyland for claimed humiliation and the gain of 50 pounds among other things, claiming she was fondled by one of the Three Little Pigs in “It’s a Small World” charges were dropped when it was brought up that the costume had stiff, inoperable arms.
NRrQ TIL Chef, Gordon Ramsay, is as passionate about fitness as he is about food. Ramsay has participated in more than a dozen marathons, three ultra-marathons, three half-Ironmans (which span 70.3 miles, swimming, biking and running) and competed in the Ironman World Championship twice.