› added 9 years ago


TIL that the process of “Bible Code” can be used to “predict” any conspiracy theory you like. One researcher used the method on Moby Dick to predict the assassinations of MLK Jr., JFK, and others.

VMV04 TIL that in the 70s the US and Soviet baby feared the other had developed a new antisubmarine weapon that damaged wires rubber attached to probes due to deep circle holes left in the rubber, it turns out that these were in fact the bite marks of the relatively unknown cookie cutter sharks
6E5rw TIL while in prison, Clyde Barrow (Bonnie and Clyde) tried to avoid hard labor by chopping off two of his toes with an axe. As a result, he drove his getaway cars wearing only socks because he couldn’t balance correctly on the pedals of a car when wearing shoes. This is why he died wearing socks.
x4Dg TIL that 5.5 million people died in a famine under British rule in India. Around the same time, Lord Lytton, the Vice Roy of India was engaged in a fabulous celebration with over 60 000 guests to be wined and fed for the coronation of Queen Victoria as the Empress of India.
e09x5 TIL it's called a meteoroid when in space, a meteor when falling through the atmosphere, and a meteorite once it's landed | Canadian Space Agency
B6aW TIL Queens of the Stone Age chose the name because they felt “Kings of the Stone Age” was too macho. “Rock should be heavy enough for the boys and sweet enough for the girls. That way everyone’s happy and it’s more of a party. Kings of the Stone Age is too lopsided.”