› added 3 months ago


TIL there have been at least 68 cases of homicidal sleepwalking. A famous case from 1981 had a man unconsciously stab his wife 26 times. The court found him not guilty by reason of temporary insanity. Because he was sane at the time of the trial, he was not sent to a psychiatric hospital.

8aDgV TIL that during the early 1900s, a debate raged about whether or not it was acceptable to portray wild animals with human-like thoughts and emotions in nature writing. President Teddy Roosevelt got involved, harshly criticizing writers who anthropomorphized wildlife—and dubbing them "nature fakers".
ay6Z TIL influential sci-fi writer William Gibson once wrote a 4500-word article on Singapore titled ‘Disneyland with the Death Penalty’ for Wired. The magazine was banned in the city-state after the issue’s release.
OG6PL TIL about the white-throated sparrow, where male and female birds each exist in two forms: a white morph and a tan morph. Tan morphs only mate with white morphs, creating four different groups of birds that each act like a distinct 'sex' - tan males, tan females, white males and white females.
gMJwA TIL that when the British monarchy was restored in 1660 under Charles II, the body of Oliver Cromwell was dug up, hanged in chains and beheaded as a posthumous execution for the crime of signing Charles I's death warrant. His head was then owned by various people till its burial in 1960.
XEMKj TIL Sir Isaac Newton had a dog called “Diamond” who knocked over a candle and set fire to twenty years worth of his research.