› added 1 year ago


TIL about Vortex I, the only state sponsored rock festival in US history. It was done in Oregon coinciding with a visit from President Nixon to support the Vietnam war as a distraction for anti-war protestors.

QN07k TIL: In the 'Asal Uttar' Battle, India's outnumbered tank fleet (45 Centurion, 45 M4 Sherman, and 45 AMX-13) defeated Pakistan's advanced forces, including 220 Patton tanks provided by the USA, resulting in a Patton grave city in India with over 100 Patton tanks. India lost 10 tanks.
6kkm TIL prior to the Treason Act of 1790, the punishment for a woman convicted of treason was to be burned at the stake. To show mercy, the executioner was equipped with a cord passed around the victim’s throat, which he would then pull tight, strangling her before the flames could reach her.
xVj7w TIL the phrase “get your goat” originated in horse racing. Horses would get very nervous before a race, so a goat partner would be placed in their stall for the night to help calm them. Unscrupulous opponents would then steal the goat in an effort to upset the horse and make them lose.
KYZ5a TIL A study of more than 500 patients has shown that too many cough drops – especially those containing menthol – can actually make coughs more severe. Reported duration of cough at time of clinic visit was greater in cough-drop users (12.5 days) compared with non-users
kOnB1 TIL about Bruce Murray. A South African signmaker, in 2012, he inherited 120,000 acres of land and a dutchy in Scotland. He is now the commander of the only legal private army in Europe, the Atholl Highlanders.