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TIL a levitating coin shaped like a flying saucer was commissioned by Cameroon's national bank to be used as legal tender in that country, minted with help from Poland's Mint. A tiny motor hidden inside it creates a magnetic field between it and the specially designed base below it, making it float.

woPZW TIL Eldey island supported the last remnant population of the great auks. Museums, desiring the skins of the auk for preservation and display, began collecting birds. The last pair, were killed there in 1844, when they were strangled and the last egg of the species was cracked during the struggle.
4XmMb TIL that the Persian Empire counted how many soldiers in a battle died through counting the arrows that each soldier would place in a basket before a battle. When the soldiers came back, they each picked up an arrow and the remaining arrows would be counted to calculate the total amount of deaths
Zp7Oa TIL of Audie Murphy, an American soldier from World War II that earned every military combat med offered by the U.S Army, including the Medal of Honor at age 19. He also won medals from France and Belgium.
6EO0w TIL When the Soviet Union collapsed records were found that showed that they had been intentionally inciting the black community in the US and Africa, including falsely teaching black people that America created AIDS to kill them off.
grMJD TIL 19th century French utopian socialist Pierre Leroux advocated the system of Circulus, which proposed human excrement to be collected as a tax by the state to be reused as fertiliser