› added 10 months ago


TIL about lake Hillier, which is known for its vibrant pink color. It is due to the presence of the algae Dunaliella salina. It causes the lake's salt content to create a red dye, which helps produce its pink color.

a84aA TIL about Andy Bowen a lightweight boxer who in 1893 fought in the longest boxing match against Jack Burke. The fight lasted 110 rounds which is around 7 hours and 19 minutes and it was reported that spectators fell asleep in their seats during the bout. The fight ended in a 'no contest'.
Z8yZR TIL Nickelodeon's sports channel GAS (Games and Sports) shutdown in 2007, but due to a glitch in satellites, remained on Dish Network in automated programming for another 15 months.
PYy7Z TIL of "Number 16," the oldest known spider. She was a wild trapdoor spider who lived in an Australian burrow. She was studied by researchers from 1973 until 2016, when her burrow was found damaged and empty, likely due to a parasitic wasp attack. She was 43 years old.
mOmx TIL: During the civil war, after amputation of limbs from injury, surgeons would pull out the nerves as far as possible before cutting them, so they would shrink back up to there origin. This would prevent pain later, but was usually done under no anesthetic.
xVl4D TIL the Nazis took over a high-end Berlin brothel commonly used by prominent Germans and foreign dignitaries, replaced all the prostitutes with spies, and continued business until a British air raid demolished the building in 1942