› added 2 years ago


TIL of telluric iron, iron that is found in a metallic form rather than as an ore.

Da5Y TIL One picture exists of John F. Kennedy and Marilyn Monroe together. The Secret Service prohibited pics of the two from being taken due to fears of the affair. The photo was drying when the Secret Service confiscated every picture Stoughton took of them. He kept it a secret for Jackie Kennedy.
Yd5P TIL the wrestler Mick Foley became a fan of Tori Amos in 1993. After meeting her in 2008, he got involved in a group she started to aid abused women. He has volunteered extensively, fielding calls from women in difficult circumstances, and logged over 550 hours on the phone over an 18-month period.
4XerN TIL that an 18-year-old girl called Rae Heim ran across America almost entirely barefoot. She only wore shoes on some hard terrain. She ran 3,437.5 miles in 8 months and raised more than $10,000 for charity. She started running barefoot at 16 after breaking a big toe, and kept it up after it healed.
VBnxk TIL a man in New York who was homesick secretly got inside a crate and was then shipped to his parent's home in Texas. Upon arrival, the delivery driver noticed him when the crate started shaking and called police. He was fined $1,500 and sentenced to four months' house arrest.
MekgV TIL azure-winged magpies show 'human-like' generosity. They provide food to their group members spontaneously and without the other birds begging them. This so-called 'proactive prosociality' has long been believed to be a human hallmark.