› added 1 year ago


TIL about an American singer named, Orion. His voice was similar to Elvis Presley's, a fact which he and his record company played upon, making some believe that some of his recordings were by Presley, or even that Presley had not died in 1977.

698Z TIL that, prior to WWII in the United States, Einstein was so well-known that people regularly stopped him on the street to inquire about his theories, to which he began replying, “Pardon me, I am often mistaken for Professor Einstein.”
XEj9D TIL about Jocko Graves, a boy who touched the heart of George Washington and who died helping the American Revolution because he was too young to fight.
xVoP7 TIL that Polish intelligence officer Witold Pilecki volunteered for a resistance operation to be imprisoned in Auschwitz in order to gather intelligence about the camp. He organized a resistance movement in the camp, sent information to the Allies about what was happening there, and escaped in 1943.
Zp45Q TIL in several countries, such as Belgium, Germany, and the Netherlands, it is considered natural for humans to try and escape jail, so escapees who do not break any other laws are not charged and no extra time is added to their sentence.
0lBv TIL that when the pirate Klaus Störtebeker and 10 of his companions were executed, a senator asked the executioner if he was tired after this, but he replied he could easily execute the whole of the senate as well. The senate sentenced him to death for that and a senator himself executed him.