› added 1 month ago


TIL that in 1947, after chocolate bars jumped from 5 to 8 cents, 200 kids marched to the British Columbia Capitol and shut down the government for a day. This protest is known as "The Candy Bar Strike".

LQMm9 TIL: In 1947, the FBI issued a memo stating that the movie "It's a Wonderful Life" was a communist trick to discredit bankers because the bad guy in the movie, Mr. Potter, was a banker.
Yp4vZ TIL that a man calling himself Jack "Dolly" Gray managed to play several games in the 1923 NFL football season before it was realized he was an impostor who had lied about his background. The impostor's true identity was never discovered.
p810N TIL that TV pickup is a phenomenon that affects electricity transmission networks. It occurs when a large numbers watch the same TV programmes while taking advantage of breaks in programming to operate electrical appliances, thus causing large synchronised surges in national electricity consumption.
6ZDQ TIL that in 1985, Philadelphia police used a helicopter to drop a bomb on a house during a 24 hour conflict involving gunfire with the black activist group MOVE. The explosion caused 50+ homes to burn down resulting in 11 deaths, 5 of which were children.
4kKBa TIL that there was about an hour and a half of footage that was shot for the 1985 science fiction film "Explorers" that was not included in the film, including a whole family sub-plot that is completely missing. Also, the character Gordon Miller was supposed to return in the third act.