› added 9 months ago


TIL that the mirrors required for the production of advanced microchips are so flat that if scaled to the size of Germany the highest point will only be a tenth of a millimeter. Because of that the German technologies company "Zeiss" is the only one in the world able to produce these mirrors.

LQEpv TIL that Al Pacino was coached by boxer Roberto Duran, in helping him portray the character Tony Montana for Scarface.
KYZeQ TIL about a method called the 'Oil Change' that some individuals use to pass drug tests. A sterilized tube is inserted into the urethra to drain urine from the bladder. Subsequently, a syringe is employed to inject clean urine obtained from a donor into the tube, filling the bladder with clean urine
b9AJQ TIL that in 2001, in an attempt to mitigate the HIV and AIDS pаndemic, King Mswati III of Eswatini (Africa's only absolute monarch) banned sexual relations for girls under 18 for a 5-year period. 2 months later, he chose a 17 year-old to become his 13th wife. He was fined a cow, which he duly paid
x66l0 TIL The American Civil War not only killed nearly 1 million soliders, it also had many addicted to morphine. Coca-Cola was introduced to try to help them overcome their addiction.
kjxe TIL that during WWII A. Wald proposed the seemingly illogical idea of reinforcing the undamaged areas of US bomber and not the damaged areas. The holes represented areas where a bomber could take hits and still return home whereas the areas untouched, if hit, would cause the plane to be lost.