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TIL Anthony Hopkins once looked throughout the whole London for the book "The girl from Petrovka". Unable to find it he headed home, only to find a manuscript off the book on a bench. It later turned out to be the authors copy, which had been in a stolen car and dumped by the theif.

EAa0 TIL Hitler claimed to have been spared by British soldier Henry Tandey. Tandey recalled that a weary German soldier wandered into his line of fire. He was wounded and did not even attempt to raise his own rifle. Tandey chose not to shoot.
1aB9V TIL that ~2500 years before Ancient Rome, the Indus Valley Civilization had public baths, personal toilets, and a widespread system of brick and terracotta drainage ducts and the first instances of plumbing and in the ancient world.
ArWx TIL Michael Jackson not only enjoyed Weird Al Yankovic’s parodies of his songs, but helped to make them- at one point signing a contract for “Eat It” as a “co-writer,” and subsequently lending Weird Al the original “Bad” subway set for Yankovic’s own music video “Fat”.
XERpP TIL The Tuatara of New Zealand is the last surviving species of a once widespread order of reptiles that separated 250 mil years ago. It retains a variety of primitive features not found in other reptiles. They live over 100 years and operate with body temperatures down to 42F (5.2C)
PYBvV TIL, John D. Rockefeller was the world's first Billionaire and it was his near-monopoly oil business in the USA that necessitated the federal and states governments to create Antitrust laws.