› added 10 months ago


TIL there is some chimpanzee populations that inhabit the savanna and act differently then the forest populations for example using caves, filtering drinking water, walking more on two legs than forest chimpz do and more. There is an Arte documentary on YouTube with them filtering water.

rRvLw TIL that the copyright for Anne Franke's diary was due to expire in 2016. To prevent it from falling into public domain, in 2015 the Anne Frank foundation added her father Otto Frank as a co-author.
yV58X TIL a man in San Francisco deposited a junk mail check written for $95,000 dollars, received the money, and built a career off of the event.
vg6L TIL that in 1976, a Soviet pilot defected to Japan in his advanced MiG-25 fighter, which Russia demanded be returned. Japan complied, but only after allowing American engineers to examine the aircraft. Japan then shipped it back piece by piece, and billed Russia $40,000 in transport and labor costs.
V7KB TIL Project MARAUDER, a coaxial plasma railgun powered by the SHIVA STAR capacitor bank, was designed by the USAF and capable of “[producing] doughnut shaped rings of plasma and balls of lightning that exploded with devastating effects when hitting its target.” It was classified in 1993.
W77b9 TIL 18th century French chemist, physicist, and inventor Louis-Sebastien Lenormand is credited with the first witnessed descent with a parachute, and also with coining the term "parachute," which literally means "against a fall."