› added 10 years ago


TIL the composition of both marijuana and tobacco smoke is nearly identical - “Toxic substances, such as carbon monoxide, hydrogen cyanide, and nitrosamines occur in similar concentrations in tobacco and marijuana smoke; so do the amounts of particulate material known collectively as ‘tars’.”

VBMLZ TIL after his two previous ads/films were rejected by his clients, experimental filmmaker Peter Kubelka changed country and made "Arnulf Rainer". When this 7 minute film premiered in 1960, most of the audience walked out and Kubelka lost most of his friends because of it.
woyK8 TIL that the directors of Tangled held a “hot man meeting” and had all the women from the studio critique Hollywood men to create the character of Flynn Rider
0d7bN TIL of the well-traveled goat who sailed with Captain Cook, circumnavigated the globe twice, was one of the first Europeans to visit Tahiti, New Zealand and Australia and was celebrated on her return to England. Truly the GOAT of goats.
rNlLy TIL the Cullinan Diamond, the largest gem quality rough diamond ever found was sent from South Africa to the UK by registered post, while a fake was conspicuously shipped in a safe guarded by detectives.
R7Vjl TIL IN 1991 the inspiration for the world's first webcam came when they installed camera to save people working in the building the disappointment of finding the coffee machine empty after making the trip in Trojan Room in the old Computer Laboratory of the University of Cambridge, England,