› added 2 years ago


TIL that a fire destroyed most of Harvard Library’s collection in 1764. Only a small number of books were spared, including 144 that were checked out at the time. One of these books was found and returned in 1997.

JYQd8 TIL It's impossible to get an original theatrical cut of Star Wars. Every single release that can be obtained has been altered in some way. Even some of the later theatrical releases in the 70's had changes done to them.
1VE4 TIL John Kellog published books condemning masturbation and suggested it be treated by sewing foreskin shut with silver wire and burning the clitoris with carbolic acid. He believed meat consumption lead to masturbation and urged people to eat more cereals - which led to the nvention of Corn Flakes
j61YQ TIL the hymn 'Amazing Grace' was written by an ex-slave ship captain and slave trader. After finding Christianity later in life he turned his back on the trade and became a prominent supporter of abolitionism. He was also held as a slave himself before escaping.
YpLe7 TIL doctors, nurses and Catholic clergy were involved in stealing ~ 300,000 babies during the Franco era in Spain. Children were moved from parents deemed "undesirable" and placed them with "approved" families. Birth mothers were told their baby had died.
LAKP TIL Gin and Tonics were created by the British Army to help fight Malaria in India. Quinine, the medicine that fought Malaria, tasted so bad gin was used to make the medicine more drinkable.