› added 1 year ago


TIL Taylor Swift has a species of millipede named after her

D1bJV TIL Belle Gibson, the disgraced wellness influencer who profited from fake cancer claims, pretended to donate proceeds to the family of a little boy who had an inoperable brain tumour she falsely claimed was much like her own. He died from his illness in 2017 at the age of nine.
1jL7 TIL In 1952 a double-decker bus was crossing London’s Tower Bridge when the process to close the gates failed. Driver Albert Gunter made a split-second decision to accelerate the bus, clearing a six-foot drop onto the other side. The passengers received only minor injuries and Gunter won a £10 bonus
WkN84 TIL that London cab drivers must memorize all 25k of London's streets including every business, restaurant, statue, pub, and landmark on them. Their exam has been called the hardest in the world, and studying for it enlarges cabbies' hippocampuses.
kOOw7 A windowless skyscraper in the heart of New York City may be the secret Manhattan surveillance hub of the US National Security Agency (NSA), The Intercept has reported. The brutalist, 29-storey AT&T Long Lines Building at 33 Thomas Street has sheer concrete walls that could reportedly survive an atomic explosion; inside, documents leaked by NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden suggest is one of the agency’s most important spying centres.
eZRg TIL that the only actual case of poisoned Halloween candy occurred in 1974 when a father killed his son with a cyanide-laced Pixy Stick so he could collect life insurance.