› added 1 year ago


TIL about Edward Bernays, Sigmund Freud's nephew and the man known as the father of PR. He helped Woodrow Wilson convince Americans to enter WW1, turned Bacon and eggs into 'The True American Breakfast' and made it acceptable for women to be smoking publicly.

wY41 TIL Most American adults will never develop past stages 4-6 on Loevinger’s 9-stage developmental scale. Below the seventh stage, most can’t even grasp the existence stages of development beyond their own. Less than 1% of the population will ever reach the 9th, or “Integrated” stage.
rPjW TIL that New England is the least religious region of the US, despite its Puritan past
Z8kGB TIL that the first westerners to discover Gorillas were Carthaginians who believed them to actually be primitive humans, and named them Gorillai. they referred to them as savages with "shaggy bodies". They then captured, killed and skinned some, taking the skins back home.
X0aWP TIL tardigrades, also known as water bears, are among the most resilient creatures on Earth? They can survive temperatures as low as -272°C (-458°F) and as high as 150°C (302°F), pressures six times greater than those found in the deepest ocean trenches, and even the vacuum of space.
P1AVw TIL that Muhammad Ali had an educational album called The Adventures of Ali and His Gang vs. Mr. Tooth Decay. The album features several notable personalities including Frank Sinatra, and it was nominated for the Grammy Award for Best Recording for Children in 1977, but lost.