› added 5 months ago


TIL a Puget Sound orca called L25 is the oldest known living wild orca in the world. While her exact age is uncertain, she's estimated to be anywhere from her mid-80s to her mid-90s. In 1976 when the Center for Whale Research's census began, the original estimate for L25's birth year was 1928.

OoJ1 TIL a Polar bear attacked a US Submarine when it broke through sea ice in 2003
oBGdY TIL in order to film on the island featured in 'Cast Away', the location manager Mary Morgan had to meet with the chieftains several times, perform ceremonial prayers, give and receive ceremonial gifts, and get permission from the chiefs and their 80 family members.
pJrG TIL although the “ghost pepper,” rated at 1million Scoville heat units (SHUs) was the hottest pepper known to man, it was dethroned by the “Carolina Reaper,” rated up to 2.2million SHUs, in 2012.
RLX4 TIL a sports science researcher from France, Jean-Denis Rouillon of the University of Besançon, found after fifteen years of empirical research that women who go braless have, on average, perkier breasts, with nipples on average 7mm higher in relation to their shoulders than regular bra users.
9YAk7 TIL the shot of Luke running out of the Wampa cave in ‘Empire Strikes Back’ was achieved by having Mark Hamill running out of the hotel the crew was staying at into the Norwegian snow beyond. At the time, they were being hit with the worst winter storm the area had gotten in 50 years.