› added 2 years ago


TIL In 1958 the French Army invaded Corsica and planned to attack Paris. There was a crisis in Algeria at the time and French generals wanted Charles de Gaulle to return to power to deal with the issue. The invasion of Paris was canceled when parliament invited de Gaulle to be Prime Minister again.

7rgLp TIL In 1963, San Francisco Giants pitcher Gaylord Perry once remarked that "they'll put a man on the moon before I hit a home run." An hour after Neil Armstrong set foot on the moon's surface in 1969, Perry hit his first, and only, homer.
okZY TIL There is a fruit by the name of Black Sapote or “chocolate pudding fruit” which tastes like chocolate pudding and is actually low in fat and has about “4 times as much vitamin C as an orange”.
x0K7 TIL. During the Great flood of 93, James Scott, 23 intentialy removed sandbags from a levee causing it to breach so he could strand his wife on the other side and continue to party. He was convicted and sentenced to life in prison.
78wp7 TIL: The day Alice and Chains started recording their second album "Dirt," was the same day the 1992 Los Angeles riots began. The band escaped to Joshua Tree National park and waited there for about 5 days, taking Slayer vocalist Tom Araya with them.
ZL4B TIL That JRR Tolkien’s tombstone engraving reads “Beren” and his wives’ reads “Lúthien”, in reference to the “Tale of Beren and Lúthien”. A love story between a man and and elf-maiden, set 6500 years prior to Lord of the Rings.