› added 2 months ago


TIL The Mediterranean Race (or 'Mediterranid Race') is an obsolete racial classification of humans based on the now-disproven theory of biological race. From the late 19th to mid-20th Centuries, it was widely believed that Mediterranean people were a specific sub-race of the Caucasian race...

xVkMk TIL in 1975, Indian intelligence agency warned the Bangladeshi president about a possible coup. He ignored their advice by saying "These are my own children and they will not harm me. Seven months later he was assassinated by some military officers, plotted by his closest political associates.
w4EM TIL when Rodney Dangerfield was asked how long he’d be hospitalized for brain surgery, he responded, “If all goes well, about a week. If not, about an hour and a half.”
jNYBR TIL - A man suffering from gastrointestinal distress in a Kansas Home Depot mens room provided a friendly warning to other bathroom goers by saying: “You need to get out of here because I’m fixin’ to blow it up.” Police were called on suspicion of a bomb threat. No charges were laid.
9Y9Wp TIL that "Moon Trees" exist. They are the product of around 500 different seed types that were flown up to the moon and back aboard the Apollo 14 mission, then planted at various locations in the US and abroad.
mbvP TIL Alcohol forms in berries as they ferment with the first frosts, and the birds that gorge on these winter fruits may get drunk more often than we think, scientists say