› added 9 years ago


TIL an Archerfish rotates its eyes to lock onto prey (i.e. insects), has its lips break the surface, and squirts a jet of water. It contracts its gills so the water at the rear travels faster than at the front, causing it to become a blob directly before impact. They can shoot prey 3-6 feet away.

x6Ke0 TIL that “e pluribus unum” (“out of many, one”), which appears on the United States Great Seal, originates from an ancient culinary recipe describing the colour of what was being prepared going from the many colors of the ingredients to just one after mixing them all
RpD6 TIL China returns all illegal immigrants from North Korea which usually imprisons them in a short term facility. Women who are suspected of being impregnated by Chinese fathers are subjected to forced abortions; babies born alive are killed, sometimes by exposure or being buried alive.
78ZaP TIL about the 2010 book "Barbie: I Can Be A Computer Engineer" and that Mattell apologized for the book after extensive online criticism because Barbie had her male friends code the game she was designing and that her male friends fixed Skipper's computer that Barbie had infected with a virus
GaME TIL there’s a waterfall where nobody knows where the water goes. Minnesota’s Devil’s Kettle Falls dumps into a giant pothole with no seeable exit. Researchers have poured dye, ping-pong balls, even logs into it, then watched the lake for any sign of them. So far, none have ever been found.
KYDb6 TIL the work Alan Turing and others worked on at Bletchley Park is estimated to have shortened World War 2 in Europe by over two years and saved over 14 million lives.