› added 11 years ago


TIL in 2011 a member of Anonymous was kidnapped by the mexican drug cartel Los Zetas. He was released when Anonymous posted a video to youtube that threatened to expose photos and names of several people who collaborated with the cartel such as police officers and taxi drivers.

6EX97 TIL at the special screening of the James Bond movie 'Spectre' at the MI6 building in Vauxhall Cross, the real MI6 staff cheered when the building was blown up in the movie.
AWml TIL Marlon Brando rejected his 1973 Oscar for ‘The Godfather’ reason being the poor treatment of American Indians by the film industry.This message which was conveyed during the ceremony by an American Indian girl who was booed by the crowd.
Meke8 TIL in one of Robin William’s last films, The Angriest Man in Brooklyn, his character Henry stated that his tombstone would read "1951-2014”. Coincidentally, Robin Williams was born in 1951, and died in 2014.
me8P TIL In 1992, a man in Texas was sent to death row for murdering his kids by arson. He was executed by lethal injection in 2004. In 2009, through advances in technology, it was found that the fire was likely accidental. According to an expert, “There was no item of evidence that indicated arson.”
aw0WA TIL PT Barnum bought a blind, elderly slave with a shrunken appearance and toured the country with her while claiming she was 161 years old and had breastfed George Washington when he was a baby. When she died, Barnam then sold her to a surgeon and had her autopsy performed live on Broadway.