› added 7 years ago


TIL of the Fremdschämen, the German word for the horror you feel when noticing someone is oblivious to how embarrassing they are.

epeV5 TIL The Swedish version of the Survivor reality show is called Robinson. The name alludes to both Robinson Crusoe and The Swiss Family Robinson, two stories featuring people marooned by shipwrecks.
d89Rj TIL that in 2018, a man ruptured his throat by trying to trap a high-force sneeze. With nowhere to escape, the pressure ripped through the soft tissue in his neck. Trapping a sneeze could also damage the ears or even rupture a brain aneurysm.
4Ne5 TIL Potato chips were invented in 1853 when a cook got fed up with a customer sending his fried potatoes back to the kitchen for being too soggy. To spite the customer, he sliced the potato as thin as he could, deep fried them to hell, and dumped piles of salt on them. They were instantly loved.
P1Y0g TIL Lenora Cazalet, daughter of Jeeves author PG Wodehouse, died after minor gynecological surgery in 1944 London because a German V1 rocket fell near the hospital and overwhelmed them with casualties so no one responded to Lenora's overnight call button pleas to stem her post-op bleeding.
xGZD TIL of Zarif Khan, an Afghan man who came to Sheridan, WY in 1909 and began peddling tamales. By 1915, he acquired the nickname Hot Tamale Louie and opened a restaurant, Louie’s. In addition to his food, Khan was also famous for serving any customer, regardless of race, profession, or social class.