› added 7 years ago


The numbers tell the story: Of the 648 people killed by lightning in the U.S. from 1995 to 2008, 82 percent were male. And as much as we were hoping to uncover a biological cause—extra iron in the male cranium, perhaps, or the conductive properties of testosterone—it turns out men are... just kind of stupid. “Men take more risks in lightning storms,” says John Jensenius, a lightning safety expert with the National Weather Service.

nnkP TIL Mars had an oxygen-rich atmosphere around 4 billion years ago
vPVP7 TIL that eating spicy foods in hot weather will cool you down more than cold ice cream because spicy foods make you sweat which will cool you off more quickly and efficiently.
wLOvE TIL Tim Hortons, Hudson Bay Company, Canada Goose, Molson Canadian are all no longer Canadian companies
n9xW TIL that there`s already a successor for the Blu Ray Disc, that has a capacity of up to 6TB and data transfer rates like a SATA 3 Hard Drive
yQB1v TIL 6 kids were poisoned in 1963 from wearing new, unwashed jeans that had been exposed to pesticide. (2 boys whose pants were washed before wearing them did not get sick)