› added 5 years ago


TIL That doctors had been inadvertently causing a rise in peanut allergies by telling parents to avoid giving infants peanuts. They discovered Israeli babies are very low risk because of the popularity of the peanut snack Bamba in Israel.

8eAAb TIL the Steamboat Bertrand, which sank in 1865, while carrying cargo up the Missouri River to Montana Territory. It was rediscovered in 1968 with half of its cargo being recovered. The cargo makes up the largest intact collection of Civil War-era artifacts in the United States.
pYox4 TIL: A 1795 court case, Cutter V Powell, established contract law regarding substantive performance. A sailor agreed for a 10 week voyage, but died 7 weeks in. His wife sued to be reimbursed for the time he was alive. The court ruled that no payment be given as the contract wasn't complete.
WkLX8 TIL in 1987, Corona sales plummeted when a rumor spread that their workers were peeing in their beer. The company traced its origins back to Heineken, whom Corona sued for $3 million in damages, but their reputation still suffered and their product was referred to as “Mexican piss water” for years.
nRVY TIL that pen caps have holes in them to prevent suffocation if swallowed
vknR TIL a scientist invited wine experts to give their opinions on two wines: one red, and one white. In actuality, the two wines were identical, except: the “red” wine was dyed with food coloring. Not one of the 54 experts surveyed could tell it wasn’t really a red.