› added 4 years ago


TIL the phrase being on "cloud nine" actually comes from a cloud atlas published in 1896 that divides clouds into 10 basic types, the ninth type being cumulonimbus clouds, the most puffy-looking ones. See A Short History of Nearly Everything by Bill Bryson, Part V Chapter 17 Into the Troposphere.

oBbVo TIL In 1985, an F-15A launched an anti-satellite missile from a 65-degree climb at 38,100 feet, knocking out an orbiting satellite 345 miles above the Earth; the missile traveled at 11,000 mph when it hit the satellite, which was orbiting at 17,000 mph
nePar TIL the US Air Force accidentally dropped an atomic bomb from a plane on a South Carolina family's backyard in 1958. Luckily, the bomb wasn't fully functional and the only casualties were a flock of chickens.
XElBk TIL that before becoming a household name on television shows such as “The Mary Tyler Moore Show” and “Lou Grant,” actor Ed Asner worked on the assembly line at GM.
OLXL TIL that Stalin’s son Yakov was captured while fighting Nazis in 1941. Nazis offered to exchange him for Friedrich Paulus, the German Field Marshal captured by the Soviets, but Stalin turned the offer down allegedly saying, “I will not trade a Marshal for a Lieutenant.”; Yakov died in captivity
XGGj TIL An actor who played McGruff the Crime Dog was sentenced to 16 years in prison after authorities searched his house and discovered more than 1,000 pot plants and 9,000 rounds of ammo for an assortment of 27 weapons to include a grenade launcher.