› added 5 years ago


TIL Tom Scholz, founder of the band Boston, received bachelor's and master's degrees in mechanical engineering from MIT, and got a job at Polaroid. He used the money to make a studio in his basement, which he used to record 'Boston' by himself. The band was just for touring and vocals.

YpwxA TIL There's a local tradition in Akita Japan called Namahage where grown men dress up like demons to scare children into behaving for their parents. They go from house to house yelling things like "Are there any crybabies at home?" or "Are naughty kids around?"
Q7LX TIL the KKK was denied the permit to Sponsor a segment of Interstate 55 in Missouri; when the federal court declared it unconstituional and the KKK was given the sponsorship the Missouri Legislature renamed the segment “Rosa Parks Highway”
neJpd TIL William Shockley, a co-inventor of the transistor, decided to cease silicon-based research. The remaining researchers disagreed with him and went on to form Intel, AMD and National Semiconductor.
mxL1M TIL about Herb Abrams, the UWF wrestling promoter who died from a heart attack after being arrested by police for being covered in cocaine and baby oil, while chasing two hookers in his office with a baseball bat, all while being completely naked.
LQDNv TIL there was an olympic wrestling gold medal match that lasted for more than 9 hours, in the 1912 light heavyweight division. Since the fight was declared a draw and the gold medalist was required to have defeated his opponent, no gold medals were awarded and both finalists received silver instead.