› added 3 years ago


TIL that an earwax plug was removed from a beached whale, and found to be full of pollutants. The scientists concluded that not only was the whale breathing pollutants straight from the water, but that some had been passed to it by its mother during gestation and nursing.

lo9l7 TIL about the WW2 battle between the destroyer USS Borie and U-405, in which the two ships collided and became locked together. The crews had to resort to fighting at close range, with small arms and anything they could get their hands on. One German sailor was even killed by a thrown sheath knife.
ymy8 TIL Ecstasy is illegal in all countries in the world under a UN agreement. In Britain, the law has prohibited whole families of drugs even before they were invented and in the US, any new drug which has been designed to avoid the law is automatically prohibited
P1ExG TIL that pufferfish skeletons are made up of a ton of small spines that easily expand due to them being composed of the same materials that fish scales are made of (nanocrystalline hydroxyapatite, protein(collagen) and water)
kbVE TIL: A NJ amusement park had a hole in the fence that kids would use to sneak in and avoid paying admission. The owner knew, but didn’t repair it because he felt the kids couldn’t afford admissions, but would spend money in the park anyways.
7Eeb TIL that J002E3, originally thought to be an asteroid orbiting the Earth, is actually part of the Apollo 12 mission that returned to Earth orbit after 31 years of orbiting the Sun