› added 4 years ago


TIL Gambler's fallacy, the erroneous belief that if a particular event occurs more frequently than normal during the past it is less likely to happen in the future. In 1913, in a game of roulette, the ball fell in black 26 times in a row, the probability of the sequence is 1 in 66.6 million.

aDeM TIL that “Finnegans Wake”, is widely considered to be one of the most difficult works of fiction to read. Readers and commentators have yet to come to an agreement on who the characters are or what the plot is.
XE8PX TIL that, owing to a surge in production at the end of the 19th century, oysters became cheaper than meat, poultry, and fish, making them a popular dish on working class tables in the United States and Europe. This period of mass production is known as the Golden Age of Oysters.
xaOo TIL in the scene in Inglorious Bastards where Dianne Kruger is being strangled it was actually Quentin Tarantino choking her out because he thinks that fake strangling never looks real in movies.
RQE7 TIL that in the 1960’s, for fear of having their submarine communication cables cut by the Soviets, the US military sent 480,000,000 copper needles into space to secure their communications infrastructure. The needles acted as a mirror for radio waves, enabling communication between distant sites.
KOOR4 TIL Abraham is not the only biblical figure who was ordered to sacrifice their child to God; Jephthah of the Book of Judges offers to sacrifice his daughter, and unlike Abraham it is left ambiguous whether he spared her or not