› added 4 years ago


TIL there are several philosophical razors--not just Occam's Razor (simpler explanations are likely correct). One is called Newton's Flaming Laser Sword because it is, "Much sharper and more dangerous than Occam's Razor." It states that what cannot be settled by experiment ought not be debated.

rR0ne TIL The light pen, a predecessor to modern touch screens, was first invented in 1955 and popular through the 60s and 80s. A light pen detects changes in brightness from the cathode-ray tube and communicates the timing of this event, time and brightness are correlated for position.
eyXk TIL that while Steven Spielberg was watching Jurassic Park audition videos at home, Ariana Richards’ sounded so terrified on her recording that Spielberg’s napping wife jumped up to make sure her children were okay. Richards got the part.
Br5Pr TIL of the “Bonnacon,” a Medieval legendary bull that sprayed caustic feces at its pursuers, burning them, because it supposedly had useless horns.
7g8r TIL The Molotov bread basket was a high-explosive incendiary bomb used on Finland that was named after Soviet Foreign Minister Molotov, after he claimed Russia was not dropping bombs on Finland, but merely airlifting food to starving Finns.
9Ygj7 TIL There is no left brain and right brain divide. People are not divided on the left-brain and the right-brain thinkers: those who are logical and analytical vs. those who are intuitive and creative. Scientific research has shown that the popular left brain / right brain story doesn't hold water.