› added 3 years ago


TIL in 2005 a Utah ski resort launched an artillery shell for avalanche control; the shell sailed completely over the mountain’s summit and landed in a residential backyard.

6EgBQ TIL Rainn Wilson of "the Office" initially auditioned for the role of Micheal. Instead he was offered the role of Dwight, demoting him to assistant to the regional manager before the show even began.
D1eEr TIL of Vivianite—a bright blue mineral that forms on skeletal remains when a person is buried in a waterlogged area containing a lot of iron and little oxygen. The phosphate leaking from their remains mixes with these elements to form crystal formations, which help preserve the remains over time.
e0QeJ TIL they tried to approve the sale of the Chicago Stock Exchange on December 2016 to a Chinese Consortium out of Chicago.
JJpm TIL during initial showings of a scene in the 1903 film “The Great Train Robbery” where a character fires a gun straight at the camera, it is said audience members ducked and put their fingers in their ears, despite the film being silent; some are even said to have fired back at the screen.
0wdgA In less than two generations, population sizes of vertebrate species have dropped by more than 50 percent. According to 2014’s Living Planet Report, this means we have lost over half of our birds, amphibians, reptiles, fish, and mammals.The situation is dire, but are we too late? National Geographic Emerging Explorer Shah Selbe expands on what has caused this decline and if it's possible to reverse humanity’s effect on these populations.