› added 2 years ago


TIL that the last notable author to make the Catholic Church's "banned books" list was Simone de Beauvoir. The Index Librorum Prohibitorum was discontinued no sooner than 1966.

XEbVj TIL in 1970, dynamite was used in a failed attempt to disintegrate a whale carcass on the Oregon coast. After detonation, most of the carcass remained on the beach, and the remainder flew into cars and people near the beach.
l4GN TIL in 1939 German health establishments were told to survey their patients for certain conditions. Believing it a prelude to a labor draft many overstated their patient’s disabilities hoping to protect them. It was really part of Aktion T4, a eugenics-based murder scheme with a 5-figure body count.
9wNkM TIL of the British political movement “disestablishmentarianism”, which advocated separation of church and state. Those who oppose this movement are called “antidisestablishmentarianists”.
amPN TIL the power in our electrical grid carries a timestamp which can be traced. All digital recordings made near an electrical power source will pick up this noise and it will be embedded throughout the audio then can be used as evidence in court. DO OVER.
mJDv TIL during the Napoleonic Wars the English Navy inflicted over 3 times as many casualties on the French Navy than the French Navy inflicted on the English Navy, in part because French gun crews fired high to disable enemy masts & rigging while English gun crews fired low into enemy gun crews & hulls