› added 6 years ago


TIL that when a shark is flipped on its back it enters a state of paralysis that lasts for up to fifteen minutes. The phenomenon is known as "Tonic Immobility." In some cases orcas have been seen maneuvering a shark upside down to induce this paralyzed state.

KOrma TIL of 2020 CD3, a near-earth asteroid and temporary satellite of earth expected to break free in May 2020
7r0RO TIL Stalin was photographed with three deputies. The first deputy fell out of favour and was doctored out of the photo. The second duty eventually fell out of favour and was also removed. After the last deputy fell out of favour, only Stalin remained in the re-re-re-edited photo.
K4v9 TIL The Fairness Doctrine, a law until 1987, stated that broadcasters must give multiple perspectives to important issues. Since 1987, figures of all political persuasions - Limbaugh, Maddow, O'Reilly, Olberman - have risen in popularity.
XExmr TIL that all-time great director Andrei Tarkovsky dismissed colour film as a gimmick, saying that in everyday life one does not consciously notice colours most of the time, and that films in colour are like moving paintings or photographs, which are too beautiful to be a realistic depiction of life
p8bP4 TIL a 64-year-old manager at a French defense manufacturer was gifted a ride as a passenger in a military jet but he failed to secure himself properly in the cockpit and at one point tried to to hold onto the ejector handle, accidentally activating it and ejecting himself mid-flight.