› added 6 years ago


TIL that India produces surplus amount of electricity but it lacks the infrastructure to transmit the electricity produced. India is also the third largest producer and consumer of electricity.

RO1l TIL of 15 year-old World War One Royal Navy officer Wenman Wykeham-Musgrave, having survived being torpedoed on three different ships within one hour, all of which sunk, swimming to each after abandonment of the last. Musgrave went on to survive the war and live a full life until 1989.
LAPv TIL that during the 1977 New York blackout, a number of looters stole DJ equipment from electronics stores and as a result, the hip hop genre, barely known outside of the Bronx at the time, grew at an astounding rate from 1977 onward.
b9KpQ TIL the 1847 NY Rural Cemetery Act authorizing nonprofit commercial graveyards on (then) rural land, and an 1852 law against new burials in Manhattan, have led to Queens containing over 5 million graves within its Cemetery Belt, such that the borough’s “dead population” now doubles its live one.
6EMw8 TIL of Mikhail Bulgakov, a Russian writer whose works were banned in 1929. In desperation, he wrote a letter to Stalin and asked to emigrate. To his surprise, Stalin telephoned him personally. Bulgakov said he didn't want to leave and asked to work at the theater. Stalin permitted his request.
YQDd TIL: The oxytocin system develops during childhood, if that system doesn’t develop properly, you’re more prone to alcoholism and drug addiction as an adult.