› added 4 years ago


TIL Martin Sheen's left arm is shorter than other due to an injury during birth. The difference in arm length and range of motion can be seen in his work, especially Apocalypse Now and whenever he puts on jacket in 'The West Wing'.

1jE4 TIL of the Coolidge Effect: where the window after intercourse when a male can’t have sex again is removed if the male is given the chance to have sex with a new partner.
6VjX TIL During the great depression the government would hire people to do pointless jobs for the purpose of decreasing unemployment. Some jobs include digging holes, then re-filling the holes, and chasing pigeons away while holding a balloon. These pointless jobs are called “Boondoggles”
J1w1m TIL The song we associate with circuses was originally composed as a Czech marching song for the Austin-Hungarian Empire. Originally titled “Entrance of the Gladiators,” when adapted to wind instruments, it became “Thunder and Blazes.”
9wK76 TIL about Fucking Hell. is a German pale lager, a Pilsner. It is named after Fucking, the previous name of the village of Fugging in Austria; hell is the German word for 'pale' and a typical description of this kind of beer. The beer's name was initially controversial
pYdvN TIL the original aluminum apex of the Washington Monument was the largest piece of aluminum in the world, measuring just 5.6 inches (14 cm) by 8.9 inches (23 cm) because at the time (1884) aluminum was as rare and as valuable as silver