› added 3 years ago


TIL That Bruce Lee said he pitched Warner Brothers his concept about a Kung Fu Master travelling the wild west and having all kid of adventures, only for them to steal the idea... and create that show starring a white man.

1a8Kd TIL lead vocalist of Boston, Brad Delp, committed suicide after personal tension between him and bandleader Scholz, and after his fiancé's sister discovered a hidden camera Delp had planted in her room.
n1v9 TIL That the French philosopher and mathematician Descartes was hired as a tutor by the Queen of Sweden, who insisted on philosophy lessons at 5 in the morning. Within a year of walking through the Swedish cold every morning, Descartes caught pneumonia and died.
PYMYg TIL that the reason Elvis never toured outside of North America was because unknown to Elvis, his manager Colonel Parker was an illegal alien and he discouraged him from doing it because he was afraid that if he left the country with Elvis he would not be let back in.
XEZLj TIL: Beethoven was not a prodigy as Mozart was and had shown no special abilities or intelligence in his childhood. Even later in his twenties, when he moved to Vienna he had a late start, no report from his early days mentioning him as unique talent or a possible successor of Mozart, Haydn.
yQJAa TIL During WW2, because Ireland remained neutral during the conflict, many Irish soldiers deserted and joined Britain's military to fight the Nazis. Ireland deprived these soldiers of pension, unemployment benefits, and public sector jobs (for 7 years) as punishment.