› added 10 years ago


TIL M. Night Shyamalan once watched Nickelodeon kid show ‘Are You Afraid Of The Dark?’, and particularly enjoyed an episode called “The Tale of the Dream Girl”, which is about a kid who can communicate with the dead. The episode would influence him to write the screenplay for The Sixth Sense.

e0Q4E TIL of Sin Eaters. In parts of England, Scotland, and Wales up until the 19th century, when a person died the family would pay a man to eat a piece of bread off the deceased in order to absorb their sins, risking their souls for a few pence
DQovg TIL Johnny Cash was born J.R. Cash, as his parents compromised on his name. His mom wanted John, his dad wanted Ray. When he joined the Air Force, they wouldn't let him use just initials, so he adopted the name John R. Cash. He used "Johnny Cash" after being signed to Sun Records.
lXDB TIL on August 5, 1944, one of the biggest jail-breaks in history involved hundreds of Japanese POWs attempting to escape an Australian prisoner camp. The Japanese considered the Australians weak because they treated the prisoners well. 234 of the Japanese were killed and another 108 wounded.
Qkga TIL it is commonplace for weight loss commercials to pay a fit person to gain weight for the “before” photo instead of showing someone who actually lost the weight
67bw TIL that on May of 2010, the online retailer 6PM.com accidentally priced all merchandise at $59.95. They honored the glitch, taking a $1.6m loss.