› added 11 years ago


TIL that a Clockwork Orange was inspired after Anthony Burgess’s wife Lynne was robbed, assaulted and violated by deserters from the U.S. Army in London during the blackout. He was denied leave to see her and she miscarried shortly after.

KYQ9G TIL about Bart the Bear. He was a trained grizzly bear who starred in numerous movies and served as the Ambassador of Vital Ground, an organization dedicated to preserving threatened wildlife habitats.
GLNJ TIL after undefeated boxer Billy Collins, Jr. was beaten so badly during his fight, his curious father insisted on shaking his opponent’s hands. He discovered the fighter had removed all his padding, and eventually led to a 2.5 year prison sentence.
npeW TIL there’s more gold in a ton of mobile phones than a ton of gold ore. It takes a ton of ore to get 1g of gold, but you can get the same amount from recycling 41 mobile phones
Brnvy TIL: A bronze sculpture at handsome Victor Noir's grave shows him prone & dying after a lost duel. Age patinated the metal to a green-brown color except on his lips and his (um) bulge --which gleam! They shine from constant contact by the superstitious who seek good luck by (ahem) "remembering" him.
Zdpa TIL the sternocleidomastoid (neck muscle) is often included by creature designers to alien characters to make them seem more attractive and familiar as the muscle is a uniquely mammalian feature. C-3PO has them in the form of pistons on his neck, and so do the good guys in Star Trek.