› added 8 years ago


TIL That Pixar granted a wish from 10-year-old Colby Curtin to see UP before she died from cancer. A Pixar employee flew to the Curtin’s house with a DVD of the finished film and screened it for her and her family. Curtin died seven hours later at 9:20 pm, shortly after seeing the film.

P1QnO TIL that people paint penises outside houses and buildings in Bhutan to ward off evil and good luck.
e0YEg TIL Harry Truman dreamed of attending West Point and becoming a career Army officer, but although he passed the written test, he failed the eye exam and was denied entry. Undeterred from the desire to serve, in 1905 he memorized the eye chart and joined the National Guard.
D1R4D TIL of the Sky Burial. Utilized in areas such Tibet and Mongolia, corpses are left on mountainsides to be eaten by carrion birds or otherwise decompose. Many who practice it view it as more practical than digging graves and as a way to give back to nature
4XnNa TIL that in 1953, an Australian Centurion main battle tank survived a nuclear test that was only 500 yards away. Later nicknamed the Atomic Tank, it went on to serve in the Australian military for 23 more years, including 15 months of service in Vietnam.
4Xk8J TIL that Tom Waits won a lawsuit against Audi when Audi used a song similar to Waits's "Innocent When You Dream" sung by Waits imitating singer. Waits had previously won a lawsuit against Frito-Lay for a similar commercial. Waits donated his settlement money to charity.