› added 9 years ago


TIL father of Behaviorism B.F. Skinner once successfully conditioned the hand movements of a distinguished psychologist who was in the middle of arguing against Skinner’s work

rR5ed TIL that Pablo Escobar was making $2,500,000 an hour during the late 80’s and early 90’s. He made so much money that he would buy commercial airliners, fill them with cocaine and once they landed, abandon the plane and buy a new one for the next shipment.
rNew4 TIL that, about quantum physics, while Einstein thought something was missing in our knowledge, Bohr thought that our reality is a fantasy and the real truth is quantum weirdeness. Bohr meant that, on a large scale, certain quantum properties disappear (quantum decoherence).
BgVle TIL of Old Bridge, Pontypridd (Originally called New Bridge). An arched single-span footbridge was built in 1756 for wagons but was deemed a failure as it was too narrow and too steep. With a length of 40m, it stood as the longest single-span bridge in the UK for 40 years after its completion.
LQ5Y9 TIL Walmart has a "Code Brown" that activates during a suspected mass shooter event. Associates are trained to help customers escape through certain exits or to hide. This code was issued during the 2019 El Paso Shooting and several employees were commended for their bravery by the US president.
Dnwr TIL A truck carrying 21 tons of dynamite exploded after being shot by a sniper outside my hometown leaving a 100 ft crater.