› added 11 years ago


TIL Edward Furlong’s (of Terminator 2 and American History X fame) 6-year-old son tested positive for cocaine after spending the day with his father

WkAeY TIL There was a study that concluded that watching Keeping up with the Kardashians likely makes you a worse person. “When considered together with my study, it suggests that exposure to the message in this materialistic media can inhibit peoples’ altruism, empathy and concern for the community."
9YrNX TIL only three people in the nation were qualified to hand-pack the parachutes for Apollo 15. Their expertise was so vital, they were not allowed to ride in the same car together for fear that a single auto accident could cripple the space program.
d8O6K TIL of the "King of All Boomboxes", the JVC RC-M90, which was produced in 1981. LL Cool J and The Beastie Boys made this boombox famous by including it on their album covers. The competitive environment to obtain one is so fierce among collectors that prices are very high and there's much bickering.
XoVj TIL that giant and colossal squids’ brains are donut-shaped and encase their esophagi - and that swallowing anything larger than 10 mm in diameter can result in brain damage.
xV7KD TIL there are twin astronauts, Mark and Scott Kelly, born on February 21 1964. Scott spent 340 days in the International Space Station. During and after Scott's year-long mission, the brothers were studied to find physical differences caused by living in space versus a baseline on Earth.