› added 8 years ago


TIL 1 kg of coal can generate 8 kWh of heat, whereas 1 kg of uranium 235 can generate 24,000,000 kWh of heat.

1KmO TIL on January 22, 1943, the temperature in Spearfish, South Dakota, changed from -4°F to 45°F in just two minutes, setting a world record. This was caused by a Chinook wind, which increased the temperature eventually up to 54°F before dying down, dropping the temperature back to -4°F.
Z8Nd4 TIL Otis Redding's widow, Zelma Redding, wrote a letter to Michael Bolton saying his cover of "Sittin' on the Dock of the Bay" was her favorite. She remarked that it brought tears to her eyes as it reminded her so much of her husband. Bolton had the letter framed and it hangs on his office wall.
NL7b TIL Volvo invented the modern seatbelt in 1959. To save lives, they decided to make it an “open patent,” allowing other manufacturers to use the same design. Every car produced today uses this mechanism, considered one of the major safety inventions of the 20th century, saving over 1M lives.
DQpoj TIL in 1966, the Doors’ were lacking material, and so Jim Morrison asked the other band members to write a song. That same night, guitarist Robby Krieger wrote a song and titled it “Light My Fire.” It became their first ever hit, spent 3 weeks at #1 on Billboard, and launched the band to stardom.
5V7Bp Today I learned that “OK” comes from people purposely misspelling “all correct” to “all Korrect” and it gained popularity since the letter K unconsciously catches our attention since it’s not often seen in English words