› added 8 years ago


TIL about Freeze Branding, to alter the hair folicle of an animal and make the hair grow back white. If the animal is white, they keep the brand longer so the area remains bald.

4Xmgg TIL the sad truth about Holstein cows, like the massive 6’ 4” Knickers. Most Holsteins would grow to a similar size, but are instead slaughtered at around age 2. Knickers was not purchased at auction because he was too large for most slaughterhouse equipment.
neeQr TIL the number of stars on the EU flag don't actually represent anything. They picked 12 stars because it was the least politically offensive number. When it was suggested each member have a star, West Germany protested because of a conflict with recognizing Saarland (a recognized EU member).
Oop4R TIL Bulla Felix was a Roman bandit leader active around 205–207 AD. Bulla is known for not killing his victims, stealing only some of their money, employing artists, disguising himself as Roman officials, and leading a 600 man regiment of runaway slaves and free men.
6EXYX TIL in June, 2016 the Royal Canadian Mounted Police seized one kilogram of carfentanil shipped from China in a box labelled "printer accessories". The shipment contained 50 million lethal doses of the drug, more than enough to wipe out the entire population of the country.
KOb04 TIL The rate that alcohol leaves the body is constant, regardless of gender, body type or size. It leaves at a rate of .015% per hour. If a person went to bed at 2 AM with a BAC of .20, it could take 15 hours to recover