› added 2 months ago


TIL that Ernesto Miranda, the man whose case led to the famous Miranda Rights, was convicted in a second trial for his crimes that excluded the now-illegal evidence. He was paroled after five years, and fatally stabbed four years later. His killer fled to Mexico and has never been found.

N06J TIL that the Irish Parliament once passed a bill of attainder requiring thousands to go to Dublin for sentencing for their supposed disloyalty. Viscount Mountjoy was in prison in the Bastille at the time; he was ordered to break out and get to Dublin, or else face being drawn and quartered.
oy5o TIL that Iceland let its banks fail instead of bailing them out. In 2008, the country started over from square one after paying off loans for consumers, forgiving homeowner debt, and throwing the offenders responsible in prison. Its economy is now growing faster than the US and European economies.
yrpa TIL the series Police Squad was cancelled because “the viewer had to watch it in order to appreciate it,” which TV Guide magazine called “the most stupid reason a network ever gave for ending a series.”
8Om4 TIL a container of 4.8 million legos was knocked into the Atlantic 19 yrs ago. People are still finding them.
JxKj TIL of Clifford Johnson. He held the title of most severely burned person ever to survive, after making 4 trips into the Coconut Grove fire to save his girlfriend - carrying out survivors each time. He later learned his girlfriend had actually escaped earlier. 14 years later he died in a car fire.