› added 2 years ago


TIL Many formulas exist for Wind Chill. The current one was only implemented in 2001. It is calculated for a bare face, facing the wind, while walking into it at 5.0 km/h/3.1 mph. It corrects the officially measured wind speed to the wind speed at face height, assuming the person is in an open field

yVoml TIL that when writing in the Hanunó'o script, used for an indigenous language in the Philippines, right-handed and left-handed people often write texts that are mirror images of each other, both in letter orientation and writing direction.
KOxv4 TIL Early European modern humans had dark skin, as genes for light skin did not evolve until 30000 years ago, and white skin did not become prevalent in Europe until the Bronze Age.
v1Jo8 TIL that Ronald Reagan was so indelibly type-cast as the 'great loser' in films that when Jack Warner, movie magnate and his longtime employer, was first apprised of the actor's ambition to run for Governor of California, he protested: "No, Jimmy Stewart for Governor. Ronald Reagan for Best Friend."
1MZ4 TIL the fanged pitcher plant and the carpenter ant have a mutualistic relationship whereby the plant’s stem provides a home for small colonies of ants who in turn keep the chemistry of the pitcher’s liquid balanced by removing large insects from inside, preventing the liquid from spoiling.
xbj0 TIL: Only 18,741 people (0.17%) of the 11 million that filled out a bracket for the billion dollar bracket challenge are still in the running after yesterday’s upsets.