› added 2 years ago


TIL about the Cerutti Mastodon Site, a paleontological & possible archeological site where broken mastodon bones with cobblestones showing wear & impact marks among the otherwise fine-grain sands were found. One theory suggests this to be evidence for an earlier human migration to North America.

9LW6 TIL there is a Church of Bacon founded by atheists that promotes skeptical thought and fights discrimination perpetrated by majority religious groups. They don’t believe in tax-exempt status and perform all their official services for free.
D1KjJ TIL The sound made by the Krakatoa volcanic eruption in 1883 was so loud it ruptured eardrums of people 40 miles away, travelled around the world four times, and was heard from over 3000 miles away.
9w68Q TIL the WWE ran a video introducing wrestling star Dominik talking about his time as a hardened criminal while standing in front of a picture. The WWE drew backlash after fans recognized the image as a photo of a concentration camp in Poland. The WWE apologized for the mistake.
Br78r TIL The Vatican has no resident embassies located within its territory, they're all in Rome. Therefore, Italy's embassy to the Vatican is really in Italy and Taiwan's (Republic of China) embassy to the Vatican is in Italy while Italy doesn't officially recognize The Republic of China.
69dNX TIL of Choo Ba'ak - Day of the Dead tradition from Pomuch, Mexico where the bones of dead relatives are removed from their graves and get cleaned.