› added 2 years ago


TIL of Brucellosis, a disease that spreads by eating or even just inhaling bacteria from infected animals or unpasteurized dairy products. It has many symptoms, from joint pain to liver damage to depression, and was the first disease ever weaponized by the United States for bio-warfare.

GAP8j TIL that in Sweden It's illegal to leave a dog alone for more than six hours, so owners who work longer hours may need to use doggy day care.
5YWM9 TIL: Wenman Wykeham-Musgrave survived being torpedoed on three different ships on the same day; When Aboukir was going down he jumped and swam like mad to escape the suction. He was just getting on board the Hogue and she was torpedoed. He then swam to the Cressy and she was also torpedoed. [1914]
rReyM TIL at the Battle of Megiddo, General Allenby won one of the most decisive victories during WWI against the Ottoman Empire. He attacked through the narrow Musmus Pass, a risky tactic he had learned from reading about Egyptian Pharao Thutmose III during the Battle of Megiddo in the 15th century BCE
6dx8 TIL that an orangutan named Fu Manchu repeatedly escaped from his cage at the zoo using a key he had fashioned from a piece of wire. Every time his zookeepers inspected him, he hid the key in his mouth.
pYymA TIL If you have a fear of bridges, you can hire a service where someone gets behind the wheel of your car and drives you across the Chesapeake Bay Bridge, a 4.3-mile stretch in Maryland known as one of the scariest bridges in the world.