› added 10 years ago


TIL: Geoduck (pronounce “gooey duck”) is a species of clam which is way too big for its shell. They live over 100 years and have “siphons” which stick out as long as 3 feet. It is also the mascot for Evergreen State College

Brrpe TIL that Canada was the last colony in the New World to have been visited by a Jew. The first was a cross-dressing female sailor who was deported back to France when her gender and religion were discovered
aYly TIL that after Thomas Edison ripped off the first film camera from France, he used copyright laws to restrict imports of other cameras to the US. Sometimes he would use hired thugs (the Edison mafia) to violently stop people from using other cameras.
pYNr4 TIL in 2013 research was conducted on Capri Sun that filtered it through a vacuum to see what would be left behind to grow on the filter paper. Researchers identified five species of fungus notating that because they don't put preservatives in the drink, it allows lots of fungi to survive
kAOd TIL Henry Cavill didn’t answer a call from Zack Snyder, who was calling to let him know he got the part for Man of Steel, because he was too busy playing World of Warcraft.
4dwo TIL that Cincinnatus, a farmer who was made dictator of Rome and gave up power after 15 days, was made dictator again and again gave up power after crushing a coup. His son was tried for incompetence, but was let go because no one wanted to give the news to Cincinnatus and break his heart.