› added 6 years ago


TIL that Henryk Siwiak was fatally shot on 9/11/2001 and because the deaths from the terror attacks are not included in the city’s official crime statistics, Siwiak’s death is the only homicide recorded in New York City on that date.

LkDZ9 TIL of Frank Willis, a security guard in 1972. While on duty he noticed tape on a basement door lock. Thinking a worker had left it there accidentally, he removed it. Willis later found tape again in the same place. He called the police, saying he believed there had been a break-in at Watergate.
J9OQ TIL a small number of the students admitted into Harvard are placed in a ‘Z-list’ and are required to take a year off before coming to Harvard.
VBgg8 TIL the Ringling Bros circus had a secret spy agency that utilized dirty tactics to sabotage animal rights groups and others. In one instance, they created a fake literary agency to trick a biographer into publishing her critical book on the founders family so they could file a copyright claim.
v1O8x TIL: CBS used to add bird songs to their golf broadcasts to get rid of awkward silences until they got caught by someone watching at home who knew the bird songs belonged to birds that didn’t live in the region in which the golf tournament was being played.
v1GgB TIL Typhoid Mary is the first person in the United States identified as an asymptomatic carrier of the pathogen associated with typhoid fever. She was presumed to have infected 51 people, three of whom died, over the course of her career as a cook.