› added 6 years ago


TIL that in the Swiss boarding school Institut Le Rosey, a quota system limits students of any one country or linguistic region (e.g. English-speaking countries, German-speaking countries) to 10% of the school’s total population, which results in the 450 students coming from over 70 countries

aXvo TIL that Many Koreans believe that if you leave a fan on over night you will die. Fans are sold with timers so you don’t accidentally die.
Y70Xx TIL 61% of older millennials believe they’ll be working at least part-time during retirement
nemXY TIL Coffee does not dehydrate you and hydrates nearly the same as water
epaA4 TIL Teresa Fidalgo, a famous internet ghost, was originally just a creation of a movie from Portugal
4kLP6 TIL Neolithic houses had doorways on the roof.